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San Antonio, Texas Civil Rights Lawyers

Fighting for truth, justice and the American way

Together we stand!  
Together we fight!
Together we demand our equal rights!

Equality of opportunity does not necessarily result in equality of outcome. The way that justice is administered can make all the difference between the principles of equality and the realities of how they are — or are not — enforced. Truth and justice are supposed to be the American way, but far too many cases slip through the cracks, barred from enforcement when the incident isn’t reported on time or a legally sufficient level of proof is not produced. 

Such procedural and substantive problems affecting the defense of your civil rights are best handled by the attorneys at Charles S. Frigerio in San Antonio, who have 30 years of experience in the field. We are tenacious — we know the law and work hard to get results. We are licensed to handle state and federal claims and provide insightful legal advice as clients develop settlement and trial strategies to defend them through the legal system.

Fighting for your freedom to…

The American justice system provides you with the freedom to speak your mind and assert your rights.   These rights are constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment. If you believe these rights have been violated, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us. We will evaluate the circumstances of your case to assess whether you have a viable legal claim. We aggressively prosecute claims relating to:

  • First Amendment — freedoms of religion, speech, press, petition, peaceable assembly and association
  • Second Amendment — right to bear arms
  • Third Amendment — refusal to quarter soldiers
  • Fourth Amendment — unreasonable search and seizure
  • Fifth Amendment — protection against self-incrimination and double jeopardy
  • Fifth Amendment — due process
  • Sixth Amendment — right to a fair and speedy trial by jury
  • Seventh Amendment — right to trial by jury in some civil cases
  • Eighth Amendment — refusal to pay excessive fines, concede to jail time or undergo cruel and unusual punishment
  • Ninth Amendment — unspecified rights reserved to the states
  • 10th Amendment — limitation of federal powers to those defined within the U.S. Constitution
  • 14th Amendment — right to due process and equal protection, incorporated against the states

Fighting for your freedom to defend…

Claims of Discriminatory treatment based on stereotypes about race, religion, gender, color, national origin, age or disability.   Claims relating to discrimination are sometimes difficult to defend, we will provide a defense for employers in filing Statements of Position with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to protect employers against frivilous claims. Contact Charles S. Frigerio as soon as possible when you have had a claim filed against your company related to:

  • Age (ADEA)
  • Disability (ADA)
  • Equal compensation (Title VII, EPA, Lily Ledbetter Act, FLSA)
  • Genetic information (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008)
  • National origin (Title VII)
  • Pregnancy (Title VII, FMLA)
  • Race or ethnicity (Title VII)
  • Religion (Title VII)
  • Gender (Title VII)
  • Sexual harassment (Title VII)
  • Workplace retaliation (Title VII, ADEA, ADA, EPA)
Contact Charles S. Frigerio lawyers to fight for you
Seek the advice of a lawyer at Charles S. Frigerio in San Antonio, Texas.  Advocacy is our strength.  Experience is our ally.  Let us take legal action for you when you call us at 210-271-7877 or contact us online today.